Attend a Vision and Values evening: If you are new to Immanuel, have met some great people and, most importantly, feel this is a church where you can grow spiritually, coming to Vision and Values is a good NEXT STEP. Vision and Values is an informal evening of coffee and dessert where you will get a chance to meet some of the leaders at Immanuel, find out more about our history, culture, and values, find out how you can fit in, and have an opportunity to ask any questions you may have.If you would like to join us at one of these evenings, please get in touch with Na’aman Nathan
Sign up to volunteer: “Saved people serve people so served people become saved people.” Serving is core to who we are – we have fun together, we do life together and it’s an incredible way to get integrated into church life. The church isn’t built on the gifts & talents of a few,but the sacrifice of many, and we believe that every person who considers Immanuel their spiritual home, should play a part by using their gifts and abilities to serve others. Immanuel has several ministry teams which provide great avenues for serving: