Leadership Team

We are led by a Senior Leadership Team across our different congregations with Greg & Sue Stevens as the leaders of the team.

Greg and Sue Stevens 083 795 0423 | 083 785 8591
Ray and Penny Bush 083 779 2573 | 083 501 2321

Na’aman and Sam Nathan 0837934353 | 0837933772
Martin and Lisa Elsner 083 791 2605 | 083 257 9057

Tobias & Mary Dlamini | Waterloo & Blackburn | 073 399 7567
Kevin & Vino Naidu | Seatides | 083 301 0839

Kerwin & Philippa Van Niekerk 083 659 7730 | 072 562 0965
Sam & Sheilla Tawarimira | Albert Park | 064 751 9908

John & Irene Emery